Monday, April 16, 2018

The Heavens are Open Folks

Hey hey! Well as some of you know, President Nelson and Elder Holland started the world tour in the greatest place in the world- the UK! I was totally gutted he didn't come to Manchester. After all, we are the 'cradle of the Restoration' (*cough cough* first overseas mission EVER!), but we watched it from our chapel and he gave us a shout out so that was fun. Elder Holland was emotional the whole time because of the memories he made and the person he became when he served in England as a young missionary in 1960. The talks were amazing. They went along with the conference theme of revelation. The heavens are open folks!

Chuyun is still progressing. We taught her tithing, fasting, and temples this week and she dumped her boyfriend so we were totally thrilled! Her baptismal interview is later today and then she's still golden for the 26th! We had 3 investigators at church this week so that was a huge blessing but it can sometimes be overwhelming when you and your companion are outnumbered. But Chuyun, Yohei, and Diego really enjoyed church! 

Well other than that, I went on exchanges with my Sister Training Leader, Sister Mueller. She's from Pocatello, Idaho and we get along super well, she's so fun.

During the week, I heard a lot of talk about revelation and its been on my mind a lot. When I think about it, personal revelation has guided my life thus far. It's led my family to move to Utah, it's led me to go on a mission, it's confirmed to me personally that the book of Mormon is true and that Joseph smith restored this gospel. But it doesn't stop there. We can receive personal revelation at any point in our lives on any matter. Sometimes the answers don't come right away, but God's promised us that they do come. In the UK broadcast, President Nelson's wife shared that her husband keeps a yellow pad of paper next to his bed and writes down any revelation he receives every night. Ahhhh can you imagine? I've taken the challenge to do the same thing. Say a prayer with a pen and paper in hand, ask a question, listen, and take notes! I invite you all to give this a try!
Alma 26:22 "Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing—unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, even as it has been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance."

Well I love you all. Go get some revelation! Have a good week!!!

Pics 1-Saw familiar bumper sticker on this car parked outside our flat.
2&3- Me slipping in the rain and landing flat on my bum. Gotta love England! 
4-BFF Chuyun 

Sister Gilland 
England Manchester Mission

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