Monday, April 30, 2018

The Gospel Has the Power to Heal

We got transfer calls and....I'M STAYING IN YSA! So happy about that! Looking forward to transfer number 3 in the best area of the mission!

We had a Chinese New Member Fireside and it was a lot of work but a lot of fun! We spent the whole week preparing for it doing street displays and inviting everyone! Also, our mission as a whole had 19 people baptised this week. I know it's not all about numbers but this never happens in the EMM!

OK, When I got called to England a year ago, I had no idea I would be teaching Chinese people. I have come to love the Chinese so much. They were raised in an atheist country and when they feel the Spirit, they want it so badly. In light of her baptism on Thursday, I want to share Chuyun's story with y'all.

Chuyun was born and raised in China. She is an only child and has played piano since she was 6 years old. She is extremely gifted, very smart and so sensitive to the spirit. She is studying at the Royal College of music.  She met missionaries (specifically-my trainer Sister Menlove) a year ago and wasn't interested. In February, she called us and told me on the phone that she was scared and looking for a place of refuge. She had been struggling with some mental health issues and started coming and just talking to us because it was the only place she felt safe. She was having hallucinations and hearing voices and was so afraid. It broke my heart how she was struggling so much. She finally got diagnosed with psychosis and was given medicine which helped her so much but it made her hands shake and she couldn’t move them properly. She couldn't play piano for school and was going to have to go home back to China. I asked if she wanted a blessing and Elder Quinn gave her one. I watched her whole body relax and almost transform during that blessing. Two days later, she told us she wanted to be baptised. Her hands are now functioning and she has stabilized on her medicine. She was baptised and confirmed on Thursday April 26. She performed a musical number on the piano. I was humbled she asked me to speak at her baptism about the Holy Ghost. On Sunday, she spoke and did another musical number in the Chinese New Member Fireside in front of loads of people.

It's been an absolute privilege watching the Gospel of Jesus Christ change this incredible young woman. She is no longer paranoid or afraid. Her anxiety is gone. Her happiness has increased and her outlook on life is so much better. That's what having the knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father and a Saviour does for someone.

Oh sweet the joy this sentences gives, "I know that my Redeemer lives!"
I love my Heavenly Father and my Saviour. I love England. I love this gospel. I love this work.
"For me, [the gospel] is all about love." - Elder Massimo DeFeo

.. & I love yall lots! Have a good week!

Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission

1-Quote of the day, "I'm so white, the camera can't even focus on me" - Hannah Tarr #same
2-Sister Westover on Skype for Chuyun's Baptism
3-Chuyun's baptism
4- Rip Manchester Zone (like half of us got transferred)
5- In England there's kebab shops everywhere. Kebabs are kinda like sandwiches so we got them as a district. I've been Kebaptised.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Sunburned in England

OK from here on out in my emails, when I spell things slightly different (honour, baptise, favourite, etc) it's because my tablet auto corrects to 'England English' rather than American and I can't be bothered to fix it. Sorry not sorry. Also, it's been a whole year since I opened my mission call. It's so crazy this time last year, I was wondering about where I'd be for the next 18 months and here I am a year later, serving in the heart of my dream mission!

There was sunshine in our souls this week. It was beautiful outside. It was like 70 degrees so basically a total heatwave. We were out finding and I didn't think to wear sunscreen and I came home and looked in the mirror and got fried. My body was not prepared for that level of sun at all. Also I'm actually pretty grateful I'm not serving somewhere hot because  I think I would die.

We've finished all the lessons with chuyun! She passed her Baptismal Interview and is getting baptised THIS WEEK on Thursday. Also a girl found by the other sisters, named Shantel (from London) is getting baptised the same day so #DoubleBaptism. Everyone pray that Satan doesn't screw this up!!:')

Manchester Stake Conference was Sunday and it was so good. President McReynolds and his wife spoke, as well as the Stake President and Europe Area Seventy, Elder Johnson. We talked a lot about revelation and also how we can be better ministers.
The scripture Mosiah 23:18 was brought up in stake conference and I want to share it with yall.
"Therefore they did watch over their people, and did nourish them with things pertaining to righteousness."

I invite yall this week to pray for someone that you can help! I know the lord will answer you and you and the person you help will be blessed!

Have a good week everyone!

Pictures include us drinking hot chocolate with Chuyun (we're trying to get her to substitute tea--she hated it)
& me and my companion doing weekly planning on our balcony cuz the sun was shining!!

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Heavens are Open Folks

Hey hey! Well as some of you know, President Nelson and Elder Holland started the world tour in the greatest place in the world- the UK! I was totally gutted he didn't come to Manchester. After all, we are the 'cradle of the Restoration' (*cough cough* first overseas mission EVER!), but we watched it from our chapel and he gave us a shout out so that was fun. Elder Holland was emotional the whole time because of the memories he made and the person he became when he served in England as a young missionary in 1960. The talks were amazing. They went along with the conference theme of revelation. The heavens are open folks!

Chuyun is still progressing. We taught her tithing, fasting, and temples this week and she dumped her boyfriend so we were totally thrilled! Her baptismal interview is later today and then she's still golden for the 26th! We had 3 investigators at church this week so that was a huge blessing but it can sometimes be overwhelming when you and your companion are outnumbered. But Chuyun, Yohei, and Diego really enjoyed church! 

Well other than that, I went on exchanges with my Sister Training Leader, Sister Mueller. She's from Pocatello, Idaho and we get along super well, she's so fun.

During the week, I heard a lot of talk about revelation and its been on my mind a lot. When I think about it, personal revelation has guided my life thus far. It's led my family to move to Utah, it's led me to go on a mission, it's confirmed to me personally that the book of Mormon is true and that Joseph smith restored this gospel. But it doesn't stop there. We can receive personal revelation at any point in our lives on any matter. Sometimes the answers don't come right away, but God's promised us that they do come. In the UK broadcast, President Nelson's wife shared that her husband keeps a yellow pad of paper next to his bed and writes down any revelation he receives every night. Ahhhh can you imagine? I've taken the challenge to do the same thing. Say a prayer with a pen and paper in hand, ask a question, listen, and take notes! I invite you all to give this a try!
Alma 26:22 "Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing—unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, even as it has been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance."

Well I love you all. Go get some revelation! Have a good week!!!

Pics 1-Saw familiar bumper sticker on this car parked outside our flat.
2&3- Me slipping in the rain and landing flat on my bum. Gotta love England! 
4-BFF Chuyun 

Sister Gilland 
England Manchester Mission

Monday, April 9, 2018

The Best Fellowshipper is the Mission President

Hello everyone! Its starting to warm up (kinda) over here! England's weird in that, the morning is warm and then it gets colder in the afternoon. I don't understand it but I am just awaiting the first day of my mission that I don't have to wear a coat.

Well we had Zone Conference Tuesday and it was really good. We learned about improving our teaching skills and asking inspired questions through the power if the spirit. It's amazing in a lesson when you genuinely teach by the spirit. Right after Zone Conference, President McReynolds stayed after to hold interviews and I asked him previously if he would come teach Diego with us (fellowship) . For those of you who don't remember good ole Diego,  he's the lad who has been dated for baptism 3 times and canceled his most recent baptism two days before. I still love him and I'm still determined to get him baptized. Anyways after sitting in a lesson with President, I'm pretty sure he could convert the Pope. It was so amazing and the spirit was so incredibly strong. Though Diego still hasn't changed his mind (yet) I know his heart was softened that day.

Other than that, Chuyun is continuing to progress. We taught her some of the commandments and she was already following them so that was a huge blessing. Still dated for April 26! All our other investigators are still out of town, Easter break will be the death of me.

Something super fun was our electricity went out for two days! Our flat's electric heating, stove, washing machine, refrigerator, water heater, lights were all gone. It was cold and dark. Practically outer darkness. I can cross off taking a freezing shower in pitch black off the missionary bucket list. Lol it's fine! We got it sorted in 2 days so all is well. My heart goes out to all you missionaries serving in places that don't have electricity.

Sunday was interesting because the entire YSA was at a YSA Convention including the bishopric. So our Sacrament meeting consisted of 10 missionaries, 3 members who did not attend the Convention, and 4 investigators. Lol it was pretty funny. Two elders conducted and we carried on with a testimony meeting and the spirit was still just as strong. Our investigators Chuyun and Diego actually really enjoyed it.

Well I've been reading in the old testament lately and a verse stuck out to me in Psalms 34: 8 "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."
I really love that. I know it can be hard for many of us to put our trust in others. It's hard to put our trust into something/someone we don't know a lot about. My invitation to you all is to heed the counsel of Elder Brian K Taylor in his conference talk and to come to know God by studying the word of God-the scriptures. I know that as I've done this on my mission, I've learned so much about Him and His plan for me.

Love yall lots!

Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission

Here's a Zone Conference Pic. Manchester and Manchester South Zones:)

Monday, April 2, 2018

Today, Tomorrow, and Forever

Hello everyone! This week was so so busy. Even though it's Easter break and Oxford Rd was totally dead, we went finding in Piccadilly Gardens and all I can says is WOW. Lots of interesting folks.

On Friday and Saturday we did a massive street display for the Church's #AlwaysThere Easter initiative where we asked people to write on a sticky note a time when Jesus Christ was there for them. We had to bribe people with candy but it was a huge success. We had people from all over the world, and all different religions sign it. One Chinese man wrote in characters "Today, Tomorrow and Forever!" I love that.

We got to meet with Chuyun to discuss her baptism and she is so excited! April 26! Hopefully we can get her spiritually prepared. She's so amazing. Something I've had the best time watching the unbelievable change in her as she comes closer to Heavenly Father. Her attitude, her countenance, her outlook on life is so so different from when we first met her. It's been really amazing to witness.

Other than that it was CONFERENCE WEEKEND! I can't believe last conference, I was in the Provo MTC sitting in a room with 3,500 other missionaries. Conference on a mission is the best. I'm 7 hours ahead of you 'mericans so we watched the Saturday morning live at 5pm and then watch Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning on Sunday and we are watching Sunday afternoon today! It was fun to see Elders Wakolo and DeFeo at the pulpit because I've had the opportunity on my mission to meet both of them! I particularly enjoyed Elder Brian K Taylor's talk reminding us that we are all children of God as well as President Eyring's talk on receiving personal revelation. How amazing was it to stand as an entire church and sustain our new prophet! I could go on and on.

Today for pday, we got up at 4:30AM to go to the Preston England Temple. This is my first time at the Preston temple! I haven't been since the Provo MTC. There are 4 days a year that my mission is allowed to go to the temple so I'm taking every opportunity.

Well that was my week! I love you all! Congrats to all my friends getting their mission calls over the past couple weeks. I can testify that missions truly are life changing!


Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission

1- Our Easter Street display
2- Preston England Temple (yes it was raining)
3-Mi companga (My Italian is on point)