Monday, February 26, 2018

Migraines and Miracles

Hey yall! Well it's been another great week in Manchester YSA.

Well last pday was a little crazy. My companion has been having headaches for like 6 weeks and we tried literally everything to relieve them and the British health care is so bad that we weren't able to get a doctors appointment until a couple weeks ago. The general physician didn't know what was wrong so he sent us to a neurologist but that appointment wasn't scheduled to happen until today. So last Monday it got really bad and our mission nurse and mission president were concerned a couple other weird symptoms she had and so they  told us to go to the hospital. So we spent 7 hours at the A&E (ER). She got a CT scan and luckily it came back normal. But we still had no answers. The neurologist today gave her the diagnosis of chronic migraines and git her some good meds so hopefully they work!

Despite that, Sister Westover and I are working super hard and have seen countless miracles.  The other day, we only had an hour to go finding and we found 4 new investigators #blessed! We also had a girl call us and tell us that she's met with missionaries in the past and she wanted to come meet with us that same day. We retaught her the first lesson and dated her for baptism March 15. So hopefully all goes well. She's so cute! She's from China but grew up in England. Her names Chuyen!

Another miracle was a member referred us to her friend Frank. We gave him a chapel tour and he asked lots of really good questions. One if them being "Why are Mormons always so happy?". We gladly answered that and he's agreed to meet with us next week.

Our final miracle is Lucy! A couple weeks ago she walked into the church and basically asked to be an investigator. Ahhhh I love her so much! We met with her and taught her the Plan of Salvation with our senior couple the Quinns'. It took 2 and a half hours but it was probably the best lesson I've been apart of. So many good questions and the spirit was so strong. She came to church her 3rd time. We are hoping to date her for baptism next week.

So we have definitely seen the Lords hand numerous times throughout this week.  With the chaos going on in the world around us, it's easy to wonder if there even is a God. I learned this week that only 4% of the people in England go to church. Which is crazy to me because there's SO MANY CHURCHES everywhere. But they're all empty. We're in a very lost and confused world. I encourage you all this week to look for the hand of God in your life. I promise ya, he's there:)
2 Nephi 2:14 And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit and learning; for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon.

Love yall! Cheers

Sister Gilland


Monday, February 19, 2018

Five Months and Finally!

Hi everyone! This week was really good! We celebrated Chinese New Year and Valentines Day so lots of fun! Also I hit my five month mark and also got my first baptism! So exciting week!

So my Valentines Day was spent at Zone Conference! I really love Zone Conference because I learn so much and just want to better myself as a missionary so it was a good day! After Zone Conference, my companion and I met with a few YSA sisters and we all had a 'Galentines Day' Dinner and then went out finding! So fun!

On Thursday, all us missionaries and a lot of the YSA members did a street display to invite people to our Chinese New Year Party that we had on Friday. It was so fun to do it with the members. I think in total, we as a district got like 20 new investigators. So good! The next day was the party and it was such a good turn out! Since like half the YSA Ward is Chinese, we had lots of authentic Chinese food and games and it was so fun!

We taught our friend Lucy from London the restoration on Friday and she loved it. She had lots of really good questions. She is learning right now because she's just curious about us but I'm confident that she'll soon see that what we're teaching is true. She came to church on Sunday and loved it. I'm excited to see her progress!

Saturday, my golden investigator in my previous area, Pat was baptized! I was in the best mood that day. Even though I was sad that I was unable to attend the baptism, my heart was so full of love for this gospel and my sacred opportunity to share it here in England. I was able to call Pat before and I could tell in her voice how excited and ready she was. I can't even express how happy I am to be apart of her conversion. She is amazing! I didn't think that I'd hit my 5 month mark before I got my first baptism but I have really learned that God does prepare His children. I know that God has a work for me. He has a work for all of us!

I've really come to love teaching the message of the resoration to people. I try to do it as much as I can on the street. The more I teach it, the more I know of its truthfulness. I read in Joseph Smiths History this week and couldn't get through verse 16 and 17 without tearing up.

16... "I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me.
17... When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!"

I've probably quoted this a million times but it hit me super hard for some reason. I'm so grateful for Joseph Smith and his work in bringing about this church- the church of Jesus Christ. I feel so blessed to be apart of this work.

Anyways that was my week! Hope you're all doing well! Love yall!

Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission

Zone Conference
YSA Street Display
Pat's Baptism!
Shout out to my mom & AnnaClaire & Noelle for the parcels
My Welsh Tag came in! & My Mandarin Tag has been ordered! #Trilingual

Monday, February 12, 2018

Ni hao From Manchester!

Wow what a week! On Tuesday, I headed to Manchester Piccadilly train station BY MYSELF with 3 pieces of luggage. Luckily the whole YSA crew was there to welcome me! There are 2 sets of Elders and 2 sets of Sisters. Well to start off, I was absolutely shocked to get called to YSA.  This area is very focused on Chinese speakers and President McReynolds wants to get more English speakers at YSA so he is having Sister Westover and I's primary finding focus be on English speakers.

Sister Westover and I are literally best friends. We are so similar! We both have a goal to eat better and go running every morning bright an early at 6:30! She's amazing! Also she's fluent in Chinese because she lived in China for some time. My first night, I woke up to her speaking Chinese in her sleep. Slowly but surely, I will learn Chinese! Lol just kidding it's impossible. But I have learned to say 'hello', my name, 'repent' , and 'baptize'. I think that pretty much covers everything!

As a missionary at YSA, you spend ALL your time street contacting on the famous, Oxford Road. There's no tracting. Just street displays and street contacting. SO different from my previous area. But it has been a blast so far. We are always so busy! Manchester is amazing! I love the city vibe so much! Plus the 6 other missionaries here are so fun! We're like a little family. And we also have a senior couple here, the Quinns' and they're from the blessed land of Texas! Also the ward is great! This is my first time in YSA like ever so it's super new but I love it!

So the day after I left Birkenhead, Pat had her baptismal interview and PASSED. Next week she will be baptized! I'm so excited for her! It was really hard saying goodbye but I am so happy for her and I'm so amazed how much she's grown! Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the baptism. But I'll be able to Skype in!

Sister Westover and I have already seen so many miracles! We fasted together on friday and that day, a girl named Lucy walked in the chapel and asked for a tour and then said she wanted to come to church on Sunday! What?! She came to church and loved it and wants to learn more! We are super excited!

Well that's my week! I absolutely love Manchester! I want to challenge you all to really strive to have meaningful personal prayers this week! It can be so easy to get distracted by all the chaos of the world but don't forget you have a father in heaven that loves you and wants to hear from you!
Moroni 7: 48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.


Sister Gilland 💕

1-Sister Gaugau and I waiting for my train, it was a long day haha.
2-New comp!
3-Cute sisters in my district from Taiwan
5-Our Church Building- Not so typical

Monday, February 5, 2018

Manchester, I'm Coming for Ya!

Transfer Calls!!
Well my email title gave it away haha but I will be going to MANCHESTER YSA (Young Single Adult) WARD. My new companion is Sister Westover from Highland, Utah!! She's amazing! My mission is both English and Mandarin speaking and Sister Westover is Mandarin so that'll be crazy!  We have been out the same amount of time so we're both a couple of newbies.  I'm so excited to serve in the 'Big City'!

Well that was the biggest news of the week but here's some additional highlights!

Funeral and Exchanges
On Tuesday right after district meeting, we went to our investigator Pat's partner's funeral. It was held at our church. It was a really good service but of course super sad. Pat just looked really upset and confused. But she said if it weren't for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, she would be in a much worse state. She has been getting some family persecution but she's not having any of it. She's still on track for February 17! I'm so excited for her!  
After the funeral, we went on exchanges in Runcorn with the STL's which was pretty fun. I got to go with Sister Pogisho from Namibia. She's so fun and we had a blast!

This whole week, the ward assumed I was getting transferred and they know I love pizza and so we've had it almost every day. I didn't complain one bit.

Saturday was so so fun! Us and the Elders made the most of our last day together and went to KFC (lol) and then did a street display and followed that with a blitz (multiple companionships tracting on the same street) and then we had dinner (Pizza!) and ward coordination at our Ward Mission Leader's home. 

It was a tough time saying goodbye to my ward. A couple of tears were shed. I cant believe 1/4 of my mission has been spent here.  I really have come to love this area. This ward will always be special to me. I did a lot of growing here, spiritually. I will definitely miss Birkenhead but I'm excited for a change! Onto the next chapter!

Spiritual Thought
How many times have we asked the question, "Why me?" I was reading in what is now my favourite section of the D&C section where Joseph Smith is in liberty jail and has endured  countless trials. He asks the question, "Oh God, where art thou?" Verse 7 & 8: 
7 My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
8 And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. 
Now there have been countless trials in my life that I have not exactly endured very 'well'. But I have seen on my mission the blessings and benefits of enduring the trials as well as possible. I encourage y’all to look to the saviour during those times because it is in those times when we truly need Him the most! 

Love you all! Email me! 
Sister Gilland 💕

1-Tracting is lyfe.
2-Last ward coordination. Elder Risk and I have been transferred!
4- Grateful for these 3. My fam the past 12 weeks.