Monday, February 5, 2018

Manchester, I'm Coming for Ya!

Transfer Calls!!
Well my email title gave it away haha but I will be going to MANCHESTER YSA (Young Single Adult) WARD. My new companion is Sister Westover from Highland, Utah!! She's amazing! My mission is both English and Mandarin speaking and Sister Westover is Mandarin so that'll be crazy!  We have been out the same amount of time so we're both a couple of newbies.  I'm so excited to serve in the 'Big City'!

Well that was the biggest news of the week but here's some additional highlights!

Funeral and Exchanges
On Tuesday right after district meeting, we went to our investigator Pat's partner's funeral. It was held at our church. It was a really good service but of course super sad. Pat just looked really upset and confused. But she said if it weren't for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, she would be in a much worse state. She has been getting some family persecution but she's not having any of it. She's still on track for February 17! I'm so excited for her!  
After the funeral, we went on exchanges in Runcorn with the STL's which was pretty fun. I got to go with Sister Pogisho from Namibia. She's so fun and we had a blast!

This whole week, the ward assumed I was getting transferred and they know I love pizza and so we've had it almost every day. I didn't complain one bit.

Saturday was so so fun! Us and the Elders made the most of our last day together and went to KFC (lol) and then did a street display and followed that with a blitz (multiple companionships tracting on the same street) and then we had dinner (Pizza!) and ward coordination at our Ward Mission Leader's home. 

It was a tough time saying goodbye to my ward. A couple of tears were shed. I cant believe 1/4 of my mission has been spent here.  I really have come to love this area. This ward will always be special to me. I did a lot of growing here, spiritually. I will definitely miss Birkenhead but I'm excited for a change! Onto the next chapter!

Spiritual Thought
How many times have we asked the question, "Why me?" I was reading in what is now my favourite section of the D&C section where Joseph Smith is in liberty jail and has endured  countless trials. He asks the question, "Oh God, where art thou?" Verse 7 & 8: 
7 My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
8 And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. 
Now there have been countless trials in my life that I have not exactly endured very 'well'. But I have seen on my mission the blessings and benefits of enduring the trials as well as possible. I encourage y’all to look to the saviour during those times because it is in those times when we truly need Him the most! 

Love you all! Email me! 
Sister Gilland 💕

1-Tracting is lyfe.
2-Last ward coordination. Elder Risk and I have been transferred!
4- Grateful for these 3. My fam the past 12 weeks. 

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