Monday, June 25, 2018

There is a God- England's in the Quarters!

Hello all! It's been another great week in Chorley. Lots of finding, lots of miracles, and as always-lots of tea appointments. England is also doing better than expected in the World Cup which makes for some happy (and very drunk) Brits. 

This week we had Zone Conferences so Chorley and Ashton Zones got together with President and had a good day of learning how to help people make and keep commitments. I saw like my entire MTC group and it was good to be reunited with all them.

This week we had a miracle! On my first day in Chorley, we texted a woman whom we thought was less active but later find out that she had her records removed from the Church 8 years ago. Her name is Cassandra and she politely told us she was no longer a member and didn't want a visit from missionaries. Well on Thursday morning, 3 weeks later, she texted us asking if we could come over! We went over that afternoon and heard her whole life story and she expressed to us her desire to return. We are going back this week. She's amazing!

Another miracle that happened was on Sunday! The other Chorley Sisters gave us a referral of a kid named Josh. We messaged him and invited him to stake conference Sunday and sorted out a lift for him. It was a miracle he even made it. The member giving him a lift waited like 20 minutes for him and drove away but felt prompted to go back so he did and found him! It was super chaotic but luckily he made it to church! And he was even wearing a shirt and tie! He loved the meeting and we are teaching him the restoration this week! 

Even though we've been doing loads of finding and not a lot of teaching, I know the lord will bless our efforts soon enough. I've been on my mission long enough to plant MANY seeds and also to see the blessings of harvesting them. I just recently found out that a man I talked to on Oxford Rd (back in the days I was in Manchester YSA) is dated for baptism. I never thought a 10 minute conversation would lead to a miracle like that. I invite you all to plant a seed this week. 
D&C 6:33 Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.

Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission


Hiking waterfalls/nearly dying
Selfie in the abandoned mine
Waterfall pic
#Views Can you spot the temple?? 
Ashton and Chorley Zone (I'm seated front row 2nd on far right)
Another Zone Conference Pic with the cute Sisters

Monday, June 18, 2018

Hay Fever and HALF WAY FOLKS

Nine months down and nine to go! Hello everyone and Happy Father's Day to my old man! This week went pretty great! I hit my halfway mark on Wednesday but unfortunately spent some of it in the flat with hay fever (allergies) and oh my heck it killed me! But I can't believe I'm halfway through such an incredible journey.

So on Monday after pday, we went right into exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders which couldn't have come at a better time! I needed lots of tips on working in this area and working well with my companion. I got to go with Sister Pogisho (from Namibia) which was fantastic because I love her so much and she's dying (going home) this transfer. At the STLs flat I slept on the WORST mattress of my life and legit got 2 hours of sleep and felt completely wrecked with allergies the entire next day. I hit the sack at 9pm that night and woke up (on my half way mark) still feeling bad so I stayed in the flat for a couple of hours. But I absolutely hate being in the flat so we went out and worked. It made me think of when Gordon B Hinckley was serving his mission in Preston (which I live like 10 minutes away from btw) and he too was struggling with allergies and contemplating going home because he felt like he was wasting everyone's time and money. His father then wrote him the famous letter and instructed him to "Forget himself and go to work". I love the scripture in Mark 8:35 "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it". Now it's a lot easier said than done but lately I've really seen the blessings of losing myself in this amazing work.

I had my first regular Sunday and it was great! Got to introduce/bear my testimony twice to my two wards. Coming on a mission destroys any fear of public speaking my friends. We had church from 9 to 5 and I was exhausted afterwards.

Today we are going on a hike with the elders and one of the bishops and I'm so pumped to see all the rolling hills of beautiful Chorley!

Love you all, have a great week!

Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission

Last pday at the park feeding ducks and swans. Fun fact: Every swan in the UK is owned by the Queen!
Random mansion
What I missed out on - England MTC
Note card creds to @AnnaClaireSmith
The prettiest temple

Monday, June 11, 2018

Full Time Missionary, Part Time Temple Tour Guide

Hello everyone! My first week in my new area was amazing! Mom you'll be happy to know that I went from the most dangerous part of my mission to the safest! Nothing happens in Chorley! Also our chapel is right next to the Chorley Temple so good vibes all around. I absolutely LOVE this cute town! Any of you Gilmore girls fans out there, I feel like I'm in Stars Hallow. It's cute and quirky and exactly what you picture England to be like. Not gonna lie, a huge chunk of my heart is still in Manchester but it's kind of nice to have a break from the busy city. Also, I've had more Tea (dinner) appointments in the 6 days I've been in Chorley than I had in my 4 months in YSA. Pray yo girl doesn't get fat. My companion Sister Hawkins is a sweetheart! We get on great.The work is thriving here and I'm excited to be apart of it! We actually do a lot of temple grounds tours! So basically I'm a temple Square missionary! Lol jokes.

Tuesday was a hard day. Too many tearfilled goodbyes. I was mostly sad to leave Chuyun, Chantal (recent Converts) , and the senior missionary couple from Texas, the Quinns. I know it's not goodbye forever. The Quinns literally called me two days after I left lol. And Chantal and Chuyun message me all the time. But I got so close to them and I just hated saying goodbye! You get so used to the people you're around and then you get ripped apart from them. I'm pretty sure I cried more saying goodbye to them than when I said goodbye to everyone Springville! Missions are the worst! But also the best because I know I wouldn't have met these amazing people if I hadn't come on a mission!

The wards here are fantastic. I got to meet loads of members this week and On Sunday, we celebrated the 20 year anniversary of the Chorley Temple being dedicated so all 4 Chorley wards met together and it was amazing!

I'm hitting my half way mark on Wednesday. Let that sink in everyone!

Roman's 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;
I'm grateful to know the true gospel of Jesus christ and even more grateful for the privilege I have to share that message with everyone around me! I've been reading in the new testament in Mark and one of my favourite sentences popped up "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief". It makes me think of that Elder Holland talk when he talked about a young man saying "I don't know the church is true, but I believe it."
I can testify that belief is the first step to conversion and as we continue believing and having faith, our belief and our faith will become stronger!

Have a good week everyone!

Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission

I'll send more pics next week but here's our adorable clock tower that rings every 15 minutes! Also knocking on a catholic church :)