Monday, December 25, 2017

First Christmas From Across the Pond

Hello friends and FAM! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas.  My week was really good. Christmas in England is magical!

My Christmas started off a bit bitter sweet. On Christmas Eve, my Grandmother passed away peacefully. While this for me was a lot to take in, I'm happy to know that she was only separated from her eternal companion for 30 days and she is now reunited with him as well as all of her friends and family and of course, her Heavenly parents. I'm so grateful for the many things she taught me and all the things she did for me. My heart aches that I can't be with my family at this time but I know there's no better place for me to be than here.

Well other than that, my Christmas was still very special. On thursday, the ward got together and did caroling at a homeless shelter which was really fun. On Christmas Eve, our ward had a music program performed by the choir. Lol they had us 4 missionaries participate and sing Away In A Manger- so scary! (btw, none of us can sing!!). The ward was so giving to us and got us so many presents! So blessed! On Christmas day, we went to the Mckee family's house and it was so fun.  It was so good to see my family on skype! We had tons of yummy food and games too.

Today is Boxing Day which is just kinda like second Christmas! You get a yummy dinner, and you're usually around family. And theres tons of sales in stores. We are supposed to ge going shopping and then going to Bishops house for food and games but my companion is unfortunately feeling sick so we may be in the flat all day so that blows but hopefully we can be back at it tomorrow.

I hope all of you had an amazing Christmas! I'm sad that it's over! But I'm grateful that I have another Christmas out here in the field. It really has been an unforgettable Christmas for me. Love yall! Have a Happy New Year!

PS im so sorry if my emails have been coming more than once or not sending at all. I'm hoping I figure out this whole email thing at some point lol.

Sister Gilland 💕

1- mErRy ChRiStMaS!
2- our tree with tons of presents from the sweet ward!
3- the card table (our wards tadition- everyone receives a pile of Christmas cards)
4- Christmas morning
5- Christmas dinner 10/10
I'm such a rookie and I forgot to take the cliche screenshot of my Skype call with my fam. Oh well haha.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

An EMM Christmas and Transfers

Well Hiya everybody! I forgot to mention in my last email that my pday for this week and next is gonna be on Tuesday because of the holidays. Well now ya know!

EMM Christmas Party
On Thursday, we got to go party with the half mission all day. It was so fun! We got there around 10 AM, mingled, sang Christmas songs, ate tons of amazing food, and took lots of pics! There was also a talent show and since I have zero talent I did not participate but it was fun to watch everyone! The end of the day was spent in the chapel where we got to hear from good ole President McReynolds, his wife, and the testimonies of the departing missionaries. Such a spiritual high!
This week we also had our ward Christmas party! My ward really knows how to party. We had super yummy food and lots of fun games. It's so fun being in this ward at Christmas. They treat me like family. I've gotten countless cards and gifts and I feel like I've been in the ward for years.

Gettin Chilly
Well I really shouldn't complain about my accommodations because we really are blessed with good homes. But this week unfortunately our heater BROKE so we've been super cold for the past few days. And they couldn't fix it til Monday so we were without heat for about 4 days. Lol don't worry we good now. The biggest struggle was the nutella freezing.

Casually Tried to Convert the Muslim Bus Driver
Lol so something really funny happened on Friday night. We went to tea at a members home and we started our hour long bus ride journey home. When I stepped on the bus, the Bus driver asked me what church I was from. Totally caught off guard, I proudly responded "I'm from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!" My companion sat down on the bus and I then spent the entirety of the bus ride standing next to him sharing with him our beliefs.  His name is Asad and he's from Somalia but lives in Liverpool now. He was asking all sorts of questions. We literally bounced from Jesus Christ to Prophets to Joseph Smith to the Book of Mormon to the Plan of Salvation and then a bit of the word of wisdom lol. Basically touched on every single lesson. I also learned a lot about the Muslim faith. He told me to read the Karan (lol) and I explained as a missionary, I can't read it but I made a promise to him that when I go home, I'd take a look at it if he took a Book of Mormon from me and he agreed! Lol who even knows what will come from that but hey, I had fun. My companion later told me that the 6 or 7 people also taking the bus were super annoyed by me because I was distracting the bus driver. Lol #sorrynotsorry hahah I love being a missionary!

The holidays are an amazing time but they are also very busy. Our investigators have been super booked so we haven't been able to see Craig, Jeff, or Callam...and the rest have pretty much dropped us lol it's fine!

Also this transfer is over?! What?! Granted it was a 5 week transfer instead if 6 but oh my heck it's gone so fast. My Zone Leader thought it'd be funny to tell me I was moving before Christmas and I literally started tearing up, but he then told me that I'll be staying in Birkenhead with my companion, Sister Gaugau. But I'm super happy to be staying in the Chester Zone and in the beloved Birkenhead for Christmas!

Spiritual Thought
Something that stuck out to me was in one of the departing missionaries' testimonies, a Sister from Lesotho (somewhere in Africa) said, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is our home away from home." She went on saying that as far away from home we are, we have common ground when it comes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I just love that because that  gospel to me means home. This season, may we all remember the amazing gift of the Gospel that we are so blessed to have.

As much as I miss you all, I miss my family the most! I'm excited to see them on Skype in just 6 days! I hope you all have an amazing Christmas! You'll hear from me next Tuesday and then I'll go back to Mondays. Merry Christmas!

Sister Gilland 💕

1- Christmas Tree and PJ's
2- Sister Dunlavy and I before she got transferred
3- Sister Turnbull and I! she went home to Australia today!
4- 4 Americans, 2 Canadians, 2 Brits, and an Aussie in one pic #diversity​

Monday, December 11, 2017

So You're Looking For a Miracle Are Ya?

Hi yall! I hope you're all doing amazing! So my week was insane. It probably started off as the worst/hardest week of my mission not gonna lie but, "has the day if miracles ceased???? I say unto you NAY!!!!" 

Well this week started out crazy! On monday, Family Home Evening got a little out of control and an older lady in our ward, Sister Denson took a tumble and actually broke her hip... so that was an interesting start to the week. 

At the beginning of the week, my Mission President sent out a mass text to the whole mission advising us to specifically pray for a miracle in every prayer.  As we did this, our week just seemed to keep getting worse and worse. 

On Sunday, I felt sick so after church we stayed in the flat for half the day.  Monday was zone pday at a trampoline park and I really didn't feel up for it but I didn't want to miss it so I pushed through and it turns out trampoline parks and McDonald's don't do well on a sick I was in the flat the entire next day. I pretty much just felt miserable until Friday. 

As we continued to pray for a miracle, Friday morning it literally started snowing. Now for me, this was the complete opposite of a miracle, but for my Aussie companion (snow virgin), this was the greatest day of her life.  We continued in the freezing cold and started street contacting and ran into a man called Craig. 
Craig hardly gave us the time of day but said he would take one of our passalong cards as a 'good luck charm'.  We put our number, the post code for the church, and our facebooks on the cards we give out.  But really didn't expect anything from it.  About an hour later, during our companionship study, we received a call from CRAIG. He said that he wanted to come to church with us sunday and he's been "looking for a miracle".
Sunday, he came to church and had the biggest smile on his face. During second hour, we taught him the first lesson. It feels like it's been ages since I've taught but I was able to take the lead and really just teach from the heart.  We gave him a Book of Mormon and he said he'd start reading that day.  Ahhh I just know he's prepared!

From this week I've learned that miracles seem to come at the exact point that we want to give up. Ive realized on my mission that God really likes to test us and push us to the very point that we feel like we can't go any further.  And then He reminds us that He's been there all along by slapping us in the face with a giant miracle. I think in our world today, it's so easy to point out the imperfections of life. There's a lot of horrible things that happen, but I challenge you all to sincerely look for those miracles that really do happen because I testify that they still happen.  My scripture is Moroni 7: 35 & 37
 35 And now, my beloved brethren, if this be the case that these things are true which I have spoken unto you, and God will show unto you, with power and great glory at the last day, that they are true, and if they are true has the day of miracles ceased?
37 Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men; wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto the children of men, for it is because of unbelief, and all is vain.

Hope you're all having an amazing Christmas season. And I hope you're all participating in #LightTheWorld ! I'd love to hear from you all! Have a good week! 

Sister Gilland 💕

Pic- We got a lil creative with our street display and wrapped up books of Mormon in christmas wrapping paper. #SHARETHEGIFT 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Time is Flying By!

Hello friends and fam! Wow I can't believe another week as flown by. Time seems to fly when you stay busy and that's all we are as missionaries, especially this week!

On Tuesday after district meeting and a district street display, we headed to Wrexham (Wales) for exchanges! I was pumped because I got to be with the one and only, Sister Dunlavy. She amazing and I love her so much and we are going to party together at UVU one day. She's from Grantsville, Utah.  So it was so fun to be with her. We came to the MTC together and are so similar, it's not even funny. Hoping President puts us together at some point in our missions!

Zone Conference #2
On Thursday, we got up at 5:30 AM to travel to Crewe. Soooo early but SOOO worth it. We got to hear from an area seventy, Elder Massimo De Feo from Italy. With all the stuff going on, it was such a breath if fresh air getting to hear someone so knowledgeable and passionate about the gospel. He was amazing. And it was so packed. We had 4 zones there so half my mission.

Well our friend from Texas, Jeff, kinda fell off the board for a sec. He's been working a lot and moving in to his new home so really busy. But we aren't giving up on him.
On a better note, Callam is back! We got to meet with him on Wednesday and had a good lesson. It's hard to see how he feels and if he wants to continue meeting with us. He's going on a trip but when he gets back we are really going to crack down and get him dated for baptism.

Well the that's pretty much it for this week. Lots of fun. The thought I want to leave yall with is a quote by Thomas S. Monson that was brought up at zone conf as well as a scripture.

"When you're on the Lord's errand, you're entitled to the Lord's help."
Alma 37:36- "Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever."

I'm so grateful for a God that loves me and knows me personally and my individual struggles. I'm also grateful for Jesus Christ that he can empathize with anything we are going through.  I promise yall, if you cry unto God, he will give you the support you need to carry on.

Thanks for all the love and prayers! I'd love to hear from you all, have a good week!

Sister Gilland 💕

1&2- Me and Sister Dunlavy! (Check out the Welsh church in the background)
3- Christmas tree in wrexham