Monday, January 29, 2018

Curveball After Curveball

Hello everyone! How are yall?? My week was alright, I had some of the best fish n chips of my life...but lots of hard and annoying things happened. Satan is definitely aware of missionaries and our dated investigators.

So things with Pat have gotten a bit difficult. In the two weeks that we've known her, she has lost her partner of 40 years, her dogs, and her house. She suffered from a stroke, and she's experienced difficult family circumstances. Anyways, she's been sick this week and we visited her nearly every day and sadly we had to reschedule her baptismal interview because of illness. By postponing the baptismal interview, we have had to postpone the baptism to February 17.
I was disappointed, upset, and completely heartbroken, because I know how ready she is for this. I've seen her grow so much and it just buggs me how everyone is dragging their feet!

On Saturday, on the bus, a man looked at me and said in an unfamiliar accent that I just  looked so happy! He sat down and saw my tag and said "Oh that's why! You represent Jesus Christ!" Well we got to talking and his name is Mahmoud and he is from Jerusalem (crazy huh?). He was brought up Muslim but was very interested in learning more about the church. I told him to come church the next day and he said he would and guess what...HE CAME! Lol he showed up at the Catholic church nextdoor and we ran over and got him the heck outta there. He was working so he couldn't make it to sacrament but we were able to just go in a classroom and teach him the restoration. And then all of the sudden I heard myself asking him if he wanted to be baptized. Well he said he would and we have him dated for February 24! Unfortunately he lives in Liverpool so he's not technically in our area so we will probably teach him a bit and then refer him to the missionaries in Liverpool. He works at a Chippy in Birkenhead so he said we can come by for free food whenever we wanted. #tendermercy

Transfers Approaching
Ok so the transfer is coming to an end! Transfer planning is THIS WEEK and we should get a call Saturday or Sunday letting us know who's gettin the boot. The ward is well aware that transfers are next Monday so we are fully booked in tea appointments. I'm most likely to get transferred because I've been here the longest . But I don't know, I think I might stay! We'll see! Maybe I'll get transferred to Liverpool and get to teach Mahmoud!

Well this week honestly felt like one bad thing after the other. It's frustrating to have to deal with all of Satan's curveballs but I know there is a purpose behind each one. I realized this week how crucial it is to really forget myself. Forget my thoughts, worries, concerns, problems, etc and really do my absolute best to be an instrument in the Lord's hands. I was reading in D&C section 98 and came across a verse that really struck me.
"3 Therefore, he giveth this promise unto you, with an immutable covenant that they shall be fulfilled; and all things wherewith you have been afflicted shall work together for your good, and to my name’s glory, saith the Lord."
The word 'immutable' is super powerful. It means that the covenants we make with the Lord  cannot change. Later we will see that all of life's challenges or afflictions, were for our good. He will always fulfil his promises as long as we do our part! Always.

Love you all! I'm so excited to hear Federer won the Australian Open! Numba #20!
Have a good week everyone! Email meee!

Sister Gilland πŸ’•
1- Someone at a street display gave me a bubblegum flavored soda. Lol it was so bad.
2- tribute to Federer's big W yesterday! #trunky 


Monday, January 22, 2018

Quite the "Stroke" of Bad Luck

Hello everyone! I hope y'alls week was good! This week has been amazing but let me just say, it's been a eventful. 

New Prophet
First off, it was amazing to see the announcement of the new Prophet. I mean we all pretty much knew but I think it's great that the church made it public.  I remember being 9 years old when President Thomas S. Monson was called. He really was the Prophet of my youth. I miss him but I am so grateful that the church will always have a prophet leading and guiding us. I know President Nelson will be an amazing leader!

On Monday, we got a call from our golden investigator Pat telling us that her partner of 40 years (basically husband) passed away.  It was kind of expected.  He drank a lot and he was having liver failure. Despite this tragedy, Pat is still so strong. She said that even though she lost David, she still has this gospel! She's also given up tea and coffee!  Anyways, Sunday, she came to church and we taught her a lesson and then my companion and I went to choir practice with the ward and when we came out of the chapel, we saw an ambulance in the car park and PAT WAS IN IT. So we ran outside and told Pat we loved her and that everything was going to be ok. Then they drove off. It was like a scene from Grey's Anatomy honestly. But as they were leaving, Pat told us she would see us at her house on Tuesday for our lesson. She went home later that day. They think she had a mini stroke  (hence, the punny subject title). We are still planning on a February 3rd Baptism! She's quite the fighter. Keep her in y'alls prayers!
(Lol I'm sorry if the subject title crossed the line but it was too clever not to use + Pat is alive and well so not to worry!)

Surprise Speaker @ Zone Conference
Thursday was Zone Conference in Crewe! President McReynolds is doing this new thing where he asks us all to prepare talks and he chooses 3 'lucky' missionaries to get up and speak in front if everyone.  I thought I'd be off the hook because this is only my third Zone Conference but NOPE!  Me and two elders from Germany and New Zealand each got called up to speak 10 minutes on how a deep understanding of my purpose as a missionary guides my planning and actions each day. Yikes. Haha but it went alright. It was super intimidating being in front of tons of missionaries who have been here a lot longer than me, as well as President and his wife #nopressure.

Well I started Doctrine & Covenants at the beginning of the year and this week, I came across my mission plaque scripture found in section 84.  Verse 88: "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."
One of the biggest things I've learned is when I'm at the end of my rope emotionally and spiritually and physically, and then God asks me to go a little further, if I have the faith to do it, to let go, I look down and realize at that moment that I haven't dropped because there are angels round about me to bearing me up! I know that God is definitely aware of me and he's aware of all y'all!

Well that was pretty much my week! I hope you're all doing good across the pond! Keep Pat in yalls prayers! Shoot me an email:) have a good week!xx

Sister Gilland πŸ’•
1- This is for my brother-in-law Miles, Royal Liverpool Golf Course- famous golf course that is in the Open championship rotation. 
2- My adopted Grandparents, the Fieldings. I LOVE senior couples.
3- Zone Conference

Monday, January 15, 2018

We've Struck Gold!

This week was amazing!  After lots of prayer and WEEKS of finding, I'm proud to say that we have found what appears to be a golden investigator. The Lord really does prepare the hearts of his children. They may be few in number here in England, but they exist!

On Wednesday, we got a call from a man in the ward who was referring his sister in law. He said she'd love a visit. Her name is Pat and she's in her early sixties. She has been investigating the church for years.  When we showed up and sat down, she said before we even began, "I want to join the Mormon church". My jaw was on the floor. I honestly thought I was in a dream. My companion and I have both yet to get our first baptism and we could barely contain ourselves. She was curious about life after death so we went on to teach her the Plan of Salvation and then we dated her for February 3 (3 days before transfers!). She came with us to church and stayed the whole time! She already has an amazing support system because she's related to half the ward lol (not kidding). Her nephew is the bishop and will be baptizing her! Legit had tears in my eyes when she said the words, "You two will be the missionaries that brought me to the church." But really, it wasn't even us.  Member missionary work is the way to go. We really couldn't have done this without them. Ahhh she's so prepared! Pray for Pat everyone!

As a district, each companionship got someone on date for baptism! That's like never happened! 

This week was also amazing because we had dinner appointments EVERY night and a couple of lunch appointments as well. Meanwhile, I'm praying I don't gain a stone. Also I'm praying I don't ever leave this area. I'd be down to spend my whole mission here. Every area I serve in is going to be compared to this ward. 

This upcoming week we have Zone Conference which outta be good. I'm excited to see everyone and President and Sister McReynolds and the mission fam. 

Since I'm the most humble person on earth, I had yet to read the famous talk given by Ezra Taft Benson in 1989  'Beware of Pride' until this week! (Hopefully you caught my sarcasm). But this talk was so helpful and really helped me take a step back and evaluate myself. One thing he said was, "When pride has a hold on our hearts, we lose our independence of the world and deliver our freedoms to the bondage of men’s judgment. The world shouts louder than the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. The reasoning of men overrides the revelations of God, and the proud let go of the iron rod."
I think lots of us are unaware if how prideful we are. I know I definitely am. I challenge you all this week to pray for humility. It is something that we should always strive to improve day to day.

Also, I think my body is getting used to the weather here. I'm not constantly shivering anymore! Must be my warm heart ;)!

I'd love to hear from you all! Thanks for the prayers! England is amazing, I know I was definitely supposed to come here! 

Sister GillandπŸ’•

Monday, January 8, 2018

Bundle Up Bud!

Hellooooo! It's been dead cold here and guess what... our heater broke again!! Usually tends to break when it gets the coldest. Lol send prayers.

Happy first week of 2018! It's crazy cuz a couple weeks ago, when people would  ask me when I was going home and I was like "lol 2019..." but now I can say "next year" and that blows my mind haha. I hit 4 months this Saturday... weirddddd.

Ok enough trunky talk lol this week was pretty good! The past few weeks have been super crazy with the holidays and this week we actually got to work and hit it hard. My comp and I found the most investigators in the zone this week so that was super good. Not a lot of super serious ones but hopefully we can change that this week! It was super cold this week and WINDY. Which made for some LONG nights tracting but it's all good. We really didn't have any super crazy things happen this week.

Something kinda sad that happened was our most progressing investigator, Callam, dropped us. I was pretty sad just because how hard we worked on him. I could see in his face that he so needed this gospel. Hes had a lot of hard things happen to him and I just knew this gospel would save him. But I KNOW that we will not be the last missionaries he talks to. I KNOW that eventually, he will know for himself that thus gospel is true. I KNOW one day, he will make it to the waters of baptism.

On Wednesday morning, we woke up to a text from my mission President about the death of our beloved Prophet, Thomas S. Monson.  What an incredible example of serving the Lord diligently and enduring to the end. I invite you all to go watch his most recent conference talk from 2017 April General Conference and heed his counsel to read the Book of Mormon. I don't think I ever had a true understanding of the Book of Mormon until I came out on my mission. I invite you all to really take time and make it's priority to study it daily.

Oh something really great that happened this week was we were calling by a less active lady whom we had never met. She's like mid 50s. Anyways we knocked 3 times and no answer and right as we were leaving, she pulled up in the driveway! She invited us in and we had a lovely chat and she told us she'd come to church Sunday and guess what... SHE CAME!

I really don't have much else to say this week. We were crazy busy and this week literally flew! I hope you all are doing well! Know that I love each of you and pray for you daily! I appreciate the love and support I've gotten! Have a good week

1- Selfie of me and my comp while waiting for the bus.

Sister Gilland πŸ’•

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Christmas With The Kennys

HELLO 2018
Hiya everyone! This week was one of the best weeks of my mission! So so good! Missions have lots of ups and downs and this week seemed to have a lot of ups! 

Back to the Grind 
Well the day after Boxing Day we went right back into missionary mode and had a District Meeting. After that, the 10 of us did a street display which went super well. Found two new investigators that we will follow up with this week!  

Exchanges in Runcorn!
I went on exchanges with my Sister Training Leader, Sister Sutherland (from Jamaica) in Runcorn. It was pretty good. I just really love my area and being away from it makes me legit homesick!  lol everyone please pray I don't get ever. 

Highlight of my week was definetly Thursday night. The Kennys are a family my dad baptized (I've mentioned them before). Well my presisent gave us permission to go outside our zone to their house up in Liverpool for tea! Brother and Sister Kenny have 5 grown up kids, and 13 grandchildren and they were ALL THERE. Crammed into a tiny English house #typical. But I gotta give thanks to my dad because I was treated like royalty over there. They have our Family Christmas card framed haha so cute! They gave us lots of presents and food to take home too haha #blessed. It was so fun being with a family that means so much to my dad! 

**Explanation for the Subject Line**
So apparently my dad may have needed a little push to go on his mission so he may have been bribed by my grandparents with a Porshe waiting for him for when he got home. I've heard this story from my mission president (who's brother served with my dad) AND again for the Kenny's. So dad what car do I get when I get home????

Talk in Sacrament 
On Christmas Eve, Bishop asked me to give a talk on the following Sunday! Seriously?! Haha but it was ok. One of the Elders spoke too. I had to speak for 20 minutes on the Role of Righteous Women.  The Kenny's came too which was really nice of them! AND they brought us another bag of food haha they're seriously the best. 

Well I finished the Book of Mormon on the LAST DAY of 2017! I started it my first day at the MTC! It was so good to end the year with that. When I finished, the spirit just confirmed everything I already knew to be true. I'm so grateful for the Book of Mormon. I know that it truly is another testament of Jesus Christ! 

Ok this is a big one, I may not even be able to do it but I was challenged by an old seminary teacher to read the ENTIRE standard works (Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Docterine Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price) in 365 Days.  That's 7 pages a day folks!  If I don't finish by the end of 2018, I at least want to finish by the time I'm done with my mission. Lucky for me, I have an hour of personal study every day so I've got it easy! But I encourage you all to do that! 

Happy New Year Folks! All y'all should shoot me an email cuz most of you haven't since last year ;) (hahahah I'm so funny)! Anyways, Tara' til next week! 

Sister Gilland πŸ’•

Sorry no pics this week! Hopefully by next week I get the pics that I took at the Kenny's!