Monday, January 8, 2018

Bundle Up Bud!

Hellooooo! It's been dead cold here and guess what... our heater broke again!! Usually tends to break when it gets the coldest. Lol send prayers.

Happy first week of 2018! It's crazy cuz a couple weeks ago, when people would  ask me when I was going home and I was like "lol 2019..." but now I can say "next year" and that blows my mind haha. I hit 4 months this Saturday... weirddddd.

Ok enough trunky talk lol this week was pretty good! The past few weeks have been super crazy with the holidays and this week we actually got to work and hit it hard. My comp and I found the most investigators in the zone this week so that was super good. Not a lot of super serious ones but hopefully we can change that this week! It was super cold this week and WINDY. Which made for some LONG nights tracting but it's all good. We really didn't have any super crazy things happen this week.

Something kinda sad that happened was our most progressing investigator, Callam, dropped us. I was pretty sad just because how hard we worked on him. I could see in his face that he so needed this gospel. Hes had a lot of hard things happen to him and I just knew this gospel would save him. But I KNOW that we will not be the last missionaries he talks to. I KNOW that eventually, he will know for himself that thus gospel is true. I KNOW one day, he will make it to the waters of baptism.

On Wednesday morning, we woke up to a text from my mission President about the death of our beloved Prophet, Thomas S. Monson.  What an incredible example of serving the Lord diligently and enduring to the end. I invite you all to go watch his most recent conference talk from 2017 April General Conference and heed his counsel to read the Book of Mormon. I don't think I ever had a true understanding of the Book of Mormon until I came out on my mission. I invite you all to really take time and make it's priority to study it daily.

Oh something really great that happened this week was we were calling by a less active lady whom we had never met. She's like mid 50s. Anyways we knocked 3 times and no answer and right as we were leaving, she pulled up in the driveway! She invited us in and we had a lovely chat and she told us she'd come to church Sunday and guess what... SHE CAME!

I really don't have much else to say this week. We were crazy busy and this week literally flew! I hope you all are doing well! Know that I love each of you and pray for you daily! I appreciate the love and support I've gotten! Have a good week

1- Selfie of me and my comp while waiting for the bus.

Sister Gilland 💕

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