Monday, February 12, 2018

Ni hao From Manchester!

Wow what a week! On Tuesday, I headed to Manchester Piccadilly train station BY MYSELF with 3 pieces of luggage. Luckily the whole YSA crew was there to welcome me! There are 2 sets of Elders and 2 sets of Sisters. Well to start off, I was absolutely shocked to get called to YSA.  This area is very focused on Chinese speakers and President McReynolds wants to get more English speakers at YSA so he is having Sister Westover and I's primary finding focus be on English speakers.

Sister Westover and I are literally best friends. We are so similar! We both have a goal to eat better and go running every morning bright an early at 6:30! She's amazing! Also she's fluent in Chinese because she lived in China for some time. My first night, I woke up to her speaking Chinese in her sleep. Slowly but surely, I will learn Chinese! Lol just kidding it's impossible. But I have learned to say 'hello', my name, 'repent' , and 'baptize'. I think that pretty much covers everything!

As a missionary at YSA, you spend ALL your time street contacting on the famous, Oxford Road. There's no tracting. Just street displays and street contacting. SO different from my previous area. But it has been a blast so far. We are always so busy! Manchester is amazing! I love the city vibe so much! Plus the 6 other missionaries here are so fun! We're like a little family. And we also have a senior couple here, the Quinns' and they're from the blessed land of Texas! Also the ward is great! This is my first time in YSA like ever so it's super new but I love it!

So the day after I left Birkenhead, Pat had her baptismal interview and PASSED. Next week she will be baptized! I'm so excited for her! It was really hard saying goodbye but I am so happy for her and I'm so amazed how much she's grown! Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the baptism. But I'll be able to Skype in!

Sister Westover and I have already seen so many miracles! We fasted together on friday and that day, a girl named Lucy walked in the chapel and asked for a tour and then said she wanted to come to church on Sunday! What?! She came to church and loved it and wants to learn more! We are super excited!

Well that's my week! I absolutely love Manchester! I want to challenge you all to really strive to have meaningful personal prayers this week! It can be so easy to get distracted by all the chaos of the world but don't forget you have a father in heaven that loves you and wants to hear from you!
Moroni 7: 48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.


Sister Gilland 💕

1-Sister Gaugau and I waiting for my train, it was a long day haha.
2-New comp!
3-Cute sisters in my district from Taiwan
5-Our Church Building- Not so typical

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