Monday, October 29, 2018

The Most Haunted Country on Earth

So somebody once told me that England is labeled the 'Most Haunted County On Earth' which I fully agree 100% because this place can get so spooky! Especially at night. At most churches, there's a graveyard to the side of it and we walked by and there was legit fog hovering over the graves and I felt like I was in a movie. But unfortunately, this country hardly celebrates Halloween! I'm pretty sure it's an American holiday anyway right? Like we see kids in costumes and the occasional decorations but nobody really goes trick or treating its so sad.

This week was pretty good. Well we taught Ash on Thursday a lesson around 1Nephi 8 the Iron Rod. We tried to teach as plainly and simply as possible but unfortunately he made it all complicated. That's been the hardest thing with Ash. The gospel isn't complicated but he makes it that way haha so we are just trying to work through that.
We also taught Libby a couple times. We've been doing our best to address all her concerns and answer her questions. On Saturday we were able to take her to the temple. Sister McKinnon and I fasted on the Friday before and prayed and role played so much. The plan was to date her for baptism at the temple. Unfortunately that didn't happen but on a positive note, she wants to keep learning and said she would get baptised if she felt it was all true. So we will press forward and continue teaching her. She came to church, she's reading the scriptures, and praying she's even giving up coffee!
We went finding on Wednesday and I talked to this 15 year old boy named Alen. He was really nice, he's from india originally, he's Roman catholic and he was in a rush so I just gave him a card. We got a text from him the next day asking if we could meet and he brought his friend and we taught the Restoration and a bit of the Plan of Salvation! They were so nice and willing to listen. They knew a lot about their own faith as well (which doesn't often happen!). But hopefully we see them again.

That was pretty much my week. I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting about the Book of Mormon. I've really just come to love feasting on the words of Christ. I honestly never thought that could happen. I've taken the challenge given by President Nelson (and I invite you all to as well) to read the Book of Mormon before the start of 2019! Read it, gain a testimony of it, and use it as a shield. I know that it's true and I love reading and learning from it each and every day!

Love you all! Have a good week!

Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission 🇬🇧

Pictures are from our Zone Pday last week in Liverpool. We saw two giant cathedrals and went to the Beetles museum. So much fun. Also including pics from the temple trip with libby! Also sat by these cute little girls on the bus and gave them my orange.

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