Monday, March 19, 2018

Nicely Played Satan + Transfers

Hi all! I hope you're all doing well!  This week unfortunately was a bit discouraging but it got better in the end! Missions have loads of ups and downs!

On Monday night as we finished making Diego's baptism program, we received a text from him explaining for various reasons that he didn't want to get baptized. As a missionary, of course, we develop a love for the people we teach and it's painful when they are so close to receiving the blessings we have -the blessings of baptism- and then just like that, Satan gets a hold of them and ruins everything. It got me thinking that this must be how God feels when he sees me or any of His children stumble on the path. The pain and disappointment I felt Monday night is something unfortunately most missionaries will go through. And God goes through it all the time! I can testify that Heavenly Father is our literal father who loves us and wants the best for us. Unfortunately that darn agency we have sometimes gets in the way. Luckily Diego still wants to continue reading scriptures, praying,  and coming to church. Anyways, nicely played Satan!

We had another lesson with our friend Lucy! She's learning and growing so much. Even though baptism isn't in the cards for her at the moment, I know one day it will happen. We had a lesson on tithing and temples this week and she really loved it. She's going out of town for a couple of weeks and we all had a feeling one of us would get transferred and so when she said her closing prayer, she said "Heavenly Father, please look after my missionaries." Ah she's amazing!

Transfers! I'm Staying in YSA & Sister Westover is headin' to Liverpool!
So even though we had a rocky start to the week, Sister Westover and I had an amazing last week together. I can't even begin to express how much I'm going to miss her. I could honestly serve my whole mission with her. I feel jipped that I only got one transfer with her. She has taught me so much and I'm so grateful for her. As much as I love her, I know she's missed speaking Chinese and so I'm excited for her to get back to that.
My new companion is Sister Mastroianni! She's a convert from Italy! I meet her tomorrow! I've heard good things. She's a transfer younger than me so I'm senior companion so that'll be crazy. But I'm really excited!

That's about all for the week! On Sunday we talked about how the gospel is our light in the darkness. As we feed that light and learn and grow in the gospel, it just gets brighter and brighter!
D&C 50:24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

I'm grateful for the light and clarity the gospel brings in my life! And I'm grateful for all of you as well! I hope you're all doing well! Have a good week!

Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission

Pics 1&2 : Sister W and I did a photoshoot in the beautiful city of Manchester
Pic 3: Posh Japanese restaurant a ysa recent convert owns
Pic 4: When we got transfer calls :(

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