Monday, January 28, 2019

Best Week of my Mission (Until Week of February 9)

Well one of the most amazing weeks of my mission for sure folks! We had exchanges and some really good lessons and a surprise Baptism!!

ALSO BREAKING NEWS, some of yall may remember my BFF Libby! Well she came to Whitefield today and told me that she is getting BAPTISED. February 9th is the day, I can't believe it, when she told me I was bouncing off the walls. Ahhhh I'm so excited!!!

So we were calling and texting people in the phone to see if anyone was still interested in learning from us and we came across a man named Walled. He's from Sudan and he is probably the kindest, most genuine man I've ever met. We were able to meet with him in McDonald's and share the message of the Restoration with him. He loved it! We are seeing him again this week.

We had exchanges in Chorely this week so I got to go back to my ol stompin ground. I got to work with Sister Schulze (from Germany). I was reminded of how it was one of the most difficult times of my mission. Rough area, not a lot of people to teach, and I had a hard time loving the people around me. We would go and stand in Chorley Town Centre on numerous occasions trying to talk to people about the gospel. Someone I talked to one of those days was a Romanian man named Gavril. He was so prepared but not in our area so the zone leaders taught him. He was taught and came to church every week and when I saw him, I would stop and have a chat with him. I didn't tell him I got transferred because I didn't think he'd really care. Fast forward 5 months to my exchange this week. I was informed that Gavril would be getting baptised the following Saturday. He had gone back to Romania to marry his partner so he could get baptised. The zone leader also told me that Gavril asked if I would give a talk at his baptism. He remembered me! It was just a wonderful reminder that this really truly is the lords work and no effort is wasted. And even though things were so rough during that particular time on my mission, it was all worth it because Gavril was baptised. In my mission, you can't attend a baptism unless you have an investigator with ya (even if you're giving a talk lol). So we invited a family of 4 we are teaching and our bishop offered to drive us so we were able to go and it was amazing! They loved the baptism and we were able to show them around the temple afterwards as well.

Not much else happened this week, I got asked to speak in church 5 minutes before Sacrament meeting started. Totally winged a talk on temples. Lol missions are greatttt.

Apologies if I shared this before but one of my companions shared this with me and I just thought a lot about it this week. D&C 123: 17 "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."
I've loved this scripture for some time now. It's just a promise to us that everything truly happens at exactly the right time. God really is in charge. He is in the details of our lives. He knows us perfectly. As a missionary, I've come to know that he knows the people we teach perfectly. I know this is his work and I'm grateful every day to be apart if it.

I feel so blessed! I love you all, have a good week!

Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission

Gavrils baptism
Me n sis cook
Throwback with Libby n sis mcchicken

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