Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Bagpipes @ A Baptism

Another Tuesday pday means.... Another transfer come and gone! I can't believe transfer #10 is over! Hats off to the remainder of you that still read my emails! Ok so,Transfers!! Sister McKinnon and I ARE STAYING! We're pretty pumped, we literally get all the holidays together! Plus who wouldn't wanna spend the Christmas season in the UK's #1 Most Suicidal City???

Well this week was amazing. I can't even express to you all my love for being a missionary. I'm not gonna lie, for a long time, it was really hard for me to find joy in the work but lately, life has just been so good. We went to Liverpool for exchanges. I went with Sister Smith from North Salt Lake City. She actually lived in Springville for a few years! She was trained by my MTC companion, Sister Mills. We had such a good exchange and taught two wonderful lessons together. We also got Gelato cuz why not.🍦🇮🇹

Thursday and Friday were pretty good. We met a girl named Tayla last week and shes Jewish but she had us over and we had a good chat whilst making muffins that ended up exploding (I'll include pics). We also were able to take libby to a baptism in Crosby! There's no doubt that Libby is elect. It was probably the most chaotic baptism I've ever been to. We missed the first 15 minutes, they had to dunk 'em 4 times and someone did a musical number on the bagpipes. So yeah, 10/10.

We still see libby every day. Us three are like best friends and she thinks God answered her prayer by not transferring us so YAY. She's is bit by bit slowly but surely progressing. But I've been so happy to see her change and become happier in the 2 months I've known her.

Well happy Thanksgiving this week. They don't celebrate it here (obvs) but I got us an appointment with one of my fav families and they are making pumpkin pie so it's like I never left home! I'm so grateful for, my family and friends! Especially grateful for this time I get to be serving my mission. I love being a missionary! I'm grateful for this gospel that I get to shout from the rooftops!

Love you all!

Sister Gilland
England Manchester Mission 🇬🇧

Making muffins with an investigator, St Helen's Christmas Lights, got to hold one of 5 2 week old puppies, Gelato with Sister Smith, Liverpool Roman Catholic Cathedral

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